Sunday, February 2, 2014

Dimensional Analysis

Before I came to college, I had never heard of dimensional analysis.  Once I learned what it was, I realized that it was just another example of scientists giving simple things scary names.  Dimensional analysis is extremely useful when you don't know an equation, but know the units.

The first dimensional analysis problem asked me to find the relationship between pressure, density, and the speed of sound in a gas. I knew that the speed of sound had units of m/s and density had units of g/cm^3.  I had always heard of pressure in units of lbs/in^2, and it took me a few minutes of thought to recognize that that translated into science units of N/m^2.  (To get to this point, I first had to remember that pounds were actually a unit of force achieved by multiplying mass and the gravity at earth's surface.)  With this knowledge, I was able to rearrange the units of pressure and density to become m/s in the following way:

Cs^2 = gm/(m^2 s^2 ) * m^3/g
         = g/(ms^2 ) * m^3/g
         = m^2/s^2 
Cs = √(m^2/s^2 )
     = √(P/ρ) 

1 comment:

  1. Good job setting up the problem. This post would benefit from latex typesetting for readability. Could you clarify your thinking process - how you got to the first line of math that you wrote down? Also, did you happen to remember what Newtons are, or did you have to figure it out (if so, please include that step as well.)
